Saturday, March 7, 2009
Friday, February 6, 2009

These photos were supposed to be uploaded a few weeks ago, but somehow they were concealed among my other entire folder and beyond my mind. It was a lunch farewell do for Dorisha, a good friend of mine from Singapore who has recently moved to the “Land of the Teletubbies”, New Zealand to those with grown-up kids.
We had it at a Pannenkoeken (pancake) Restaurant in Wassenaar. The food was nice albeit different from what we would normally have had in Malaysia (I remembered my Mum used to make it mixed with shredded coconut and served with leftover “Kari Ikan”), nonetheless something worth trying. They have several choices available from plain to fillings according to your taste. Mine was with mushroom, paprika, onion & cheese and dipped with some herbs sauce. I know it sounds odd, but the taste was not that bad. In fact, this place will definitely be in my “places to eat” checklist whenever I have people coming over for visit.
Thursday, February 5, 2009
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
2nd Session of Cooking Demo
My last cooking demo I think was somewhere in November last year and only about 7 Mums came but this time around, the numbers were doubled. No doubt I was a little bit panicky at first, not sure if I can manage a bigger crowd (I’m neither an expert in cooking nor good at public speaking), but phew !!! It went smoothly and luck was on my side, the food turned out nicely.
We have not set the next date yet, but there will definitely be another session sometime soon.
Monday, February 2, 2009
Double Date
Quite a lot of things happened lately but as I have recently purchased several new novels, it seemed to have re-ignited this highly addictive hobby of mine. As such, I have not been updating my blog as often as I should have.